Welcome to Leh Law Group
“Life is human resources.”
Business life usually is, anyway. Employees often collaborate to achieve your company goals. But challenges arise in every workplace, including performance issues, wage disputes, and harassment complaints. Thankfully, most problems don’t require legal counsel to manage them. But sometimes they do. When that happens, we’ll be there and we’ll listen.
Grounded on judgment formed by nearly 20 years of employment law and litigation experience — we offer frank and practical advice on the best course of action. We offer compliance solutions to prevent setbacks from recurring. We’ll help you anticipate and avoid difficulties before they arise. If litigation erupts, we’ll work tirelessly to achieve your objectives so that you can focus on your business. Life may be HR, but we can help ensure that employees are a resource, not a liability.
“This, too, shall pass.”
Business disputes end, eventually. Adversaries often work them out on their own. But some end up in litigation or binding arbitration. Litigants turn to neutral parties to mediate voluntary solutions or conduct the proceedings. As litigators, we have expertise in helping clients resolve disputes regardless of the process. One of our partners brings nearly three decades of wisdom gained as a judge, presiding over trials and conducting mediations. We help opposing parties reach sensible, durable solutions and move forward.